About LVFC

Las Vegas Fur Con (LVFC) is a gathering for fans of anthropomorphic (commonly known as “furry”) art and works held in Las Vegas, Nevada. The convention is organized by Southern Nevada Anthropomorphic Events (SNAE), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization incorporated in Nevada. SNAE is committed to empowering communities and raising funds to help charitable causes, particularly those relevant to its missions of diversity; at present, the Board of Directors numbers 12, being majority BIPOC, majority transgender, and majority non-male.

LVFC and SNAE grew out of UNLV’s Rebel Anthropomorphic Works and Recreation club, or RAWR, which has hosted smaller gatherings in the past, before bringing on new talent in order to organize a proper convention. This new talent includes sole proprietors, artists, furmeet organizers, and locals chatroom moderators.


SNAE has 12 Directors, chosen initially by appointment but with elections planned for the future, with eligible staff members casting votes.

The SNAE Board chooses a Convention Chair to run Las Vegas Fur Con, responsible for reports to the Board but otherwise serving indefinitely. Contrary to assumptions, the Con Chair does not run the con with absolute authority, but instead comes up with overall goals and oversees a team of executives who help them run the convention.

The Chair appoints several convention Executives with Board approval; these executives lead the Executive Departments of the Convention (Audio/Visual, Human Resources, Marketing, Operations, Programming, Sales, and Venue). The Chair, Convention Executives, and any additional advisors form the Convention Committee, which runs the convention’s affairs.

Each executive oversees a number of subsidiary departments (e.g. Sales supervises Dealers Den and Registration), working with HR and the Chair to ensure all departments have Leads to manage their staff.