A “Dealer” is any person selling goods and services in convention space, regardless of whether they are set up in Dealers Den, Adult Dealers Den, Artist Alley, or any other convention-approved space and regardless of how they obtained the space.

LVFC reserves the right to not give space to Dealers and artists with a record of poor behavior such as not fulfilling commissions, failure to submit taxes at our event, being rude or threatening to staff and attendees, or having history of these (or other violations of our Code of Conduct) at other events past or present.

Most tables and booths, or any spaces marked for selling at LVFC, are approved by a jury system rather than first come, first served. The jury system is holistic with many factors but not limited to; dealing experience, quality and diversity of goods, etc.

All Dealers and assistants at LVFC agree to the following policies by vending with us:

General Dealer Rules

1) By selling with LVFC, Dealers agree to not hold the convention liable for any loss, theft or damage. The convention does lock Dealer rooms (with exception of tables in corridors) after hours, but cannot guarantee the safety of any merchandise left overnight in the Dealers Den. Dealers assume all responsibility for any losses incurred from leaving items in convention space overnight.

1a) Dealers are advised to always take their cashbox and payment processors with them after sales are over for the day.

2) Your table space is sublet to you alone, per the jury process. If you wish to have a table mate sharing your space, they must be approved by dealer staff and file their own separate application and tax form. Not following this rule can lead to loss of dealing privileges.

2a) To expedite table-sharing, we recommend having any potential tablemates also fill out an application; this way they are in our system and can be quickly vetted. 

3) Table spaces may not be resold or transferred without permission. This is not allowed both before and during the convention.

3a) Unless communicated with Dealer staff at least one week prior to the convention, we will not allow any switches barring specific circumstances, at Dealer staff discretion. 

3b) We reserve the right to grant or refuse transfers based on waitlist status. Both parties that break this rule can be barred from future sales. 

4) Dealers may not move or switch their tables with other Dealers or spaces without the consent of the convention’s Dealer Den staff. You may not take another Dealer space (even if that Dealer has left due to circumstances) unless approved by the convention Dealer Den staff. All table spaces belong to LVFC and are sub-let to approved dealers. 

5) All Dealers Den Dealers are expected to show up for setup on Thursday of the convention. Failure to check-in or give notice (that notice must be submitted to the Dealer lead and be acknowledged) by Friday morning at 9 AM can result in the spot being resold with no entitlement to refund.

6) All Dealers and assistants must have badges or relevant convention identification within the Den, with the exception of Thursday setup. Dealers and Assistants will have Dealer specific marked badges. If someone on your team does not have identification, you will be responsible for communicating with staff that they are with you.

6a) All dealers and assistants must have registered. Every table/booth setup has 2 complementary badges; the rest are purchased separately. One free badge is given to whoever filled out the application, and the second free badge to whoever is first added as an assistant. 

7) Dealers are expected to have their booth open for all hours Dealers Den is open. If you must leave early, please leave an assistant in charge or inform a Dealer Den staff member of the situation.

8) Dealers consent to possibly being photographed or videotaped by LVFC staff while recording promotional videos and photos.

9) Dealers consent to having their business name displayed on any promotional materials for LVFC.

10) Tax forms and any tax payments must be remitted to LVFC at the end of sales. Failure to do so may result in loss of selling privileges in future years and being reported to the NV Secretary of State for tax evasion.

Payments and Refunds

11) Payments are due on the dates listed at the time of applying for the event. Failure to pay can make you lose your place and not be put on the waitlist.

12) LVFC Dealer and Adult Dealer Tables/Booths include at least two (2) comped badges, 1 for the Dealer and 1 for an assistant. Assistants must be pre-registered at least one week before the con and added to dealer applications as an assistant to have the comp processed; otherwise you will be reimbursed for the comped badge in two (2) weeks after the con.

13) LVFC offers refunds if plans change until 60 days prior to the con; after this point, refunds are subject to ability to resell the table.

14) LVFC may or may not provide a refund if it is less than 30 days before the con. We reserve the ability to not provide a refund under any circumstance if it is 60 days before the con.

15) LVFC will not provide refunds if you violate any convention rules or hotel rules during the event and your table needs to be shut down. We are also not responsible for reimbursement of lost sales.

Setup Rules

16) Flashing lights, sounds, strong scents, bright lights, trash must not disrupt other Dealers or attendees. Repeated violations of this rule will result in removal from the Dealers Den.

a) Items with a strong odor must be kept in sealed containers to avoid disturbing other Dealers and attendees.

17) Dealers must refrain from taping, nailing or otherwise adhering objects to hotel, event space, convention-owned property, other Dealers. These can incur fines from the hotel, which you will be responsible for reimbursing. Hotel, event space and convention-owned property may include but is not limited to:

  • Hotel walls (air walls and doors included)
  • Trash bins
  • Water tanks
  • Other Dealer booths

18) Overhead displays may not be more than 8 feet off the ground, with the exception of tents. If your setup looks unstable, we reserve the right to ask you to take it down.

19) Vertical displays may not be more than 10 feet off the ground. If your setup looks unstable, we reserve the right to ask you to take it down.

20) Dealers must keep walkways and exits clear at all times. Any debris, fire hazard, or tripping hazard will be asked to be removed. If you do not comply, LVFC staff are allowed to move those objects.

Materials and Goods

21) Adult/explicit material must be hidden from view or censored (either in a black binder or with stickers covering nipples, genitals, and gore); this rule is waived in the Adult Dealers Den and LVFC After Dark ONLY

a) At Alexis Park, hotel security will ID or wristband-check at the entrances to all dealing space. 

22) Sale of illegal or prohibited goods is forbidden. If you are found to be selling these items, you will lose your booth without a refund and may incur charges to dispose of these items, which you will also not be reimbursed for. These items can include but are not limited to:

a) Drugs or any drug related paraphernalia.

b) Pornography that includes zoophilia, pedophillia, or any obscene material against Nevada law.

c) Counterfeit artwork or artwork that can infringe on third party copyright (this includes AI-generated artwork).

d) Food and beverages, prepackaged or not.

23) Mock weapons may be sold if they are made from plastic, heavy cardboard or fiberglass. The following are prohibited regardless of the situation: realistic-looking guns, wooden weapons and metal weapons.

24) LVFC staff have the final say on interpretation of these policies, which may be revised at any time. Dealers will be informed of these changes, but must be compliant with these policies and all other convention policies, such as the Code of Conduct and any health policies. 

Tax and Licensing Law

All Dealers must be compliant with state and federal tax and licensing laws before opening sales: they must either show a Nevada sales tax license (if dealing at more than two events in Nevada in a 12-month time period), or receive a one-time sales tax return form from the convention.

If you deal at more than two events in Nevada per year and require a state sales tax license, you can apply for one at Nevada’s official tax portal, Silverflume. Either form must be displayed at your booth while accepting sales.

Nevada-based Dealers are still liable for state sales tax; if you enter “0” for taxes due but have not provided a state sales tax ID (you must give your sales tax ID to write in “0”), the convention may report you to tax authorities and bar you from future conventions for failure to report taxes. Sales tax is collected by the state, so cannot be reported on your federal IRS return. Sales tax is based on gross receipts, not profits; reporting profits as sales is tax fraud and will not be tolerated.

You must collect sales tax (currently 8.375%, subject to change) on all sales at your table or booth. You may either apply the tax on top of your prices, or include it in your prices; if you choose the latter, you must have a notice somewhere saying sales tax is included in the price. If you include sales tax in prices, it will be 7.728% of your total gross.

If you have your own Nevada tax license, it is your responsibility to have the tax-form at your booth during vending hours with your Nevada tax license listed on the document. We are entitled to verify that you have a valid license.

If you are using the one-time sales tax return, you must have this document at your booth during vending hours. After you finish sales for the weekend, you must return your sales tax return and any tax due to Las Vegas Fur Con to remit on your behalf.