Guest of Honor: Oddy!

LVFC is proud to announce its fourth GOH for 2024: Oddy!

Please read the bio he has prepared for us!

📸: Paradox Wolf

“Hello, friends! I am Oddy, a husky and a passionate AV professional of almost 20 years. I’ve helped produce the main stages of over 250 events; from conventions to festivals, and countless stages in between. If you’ve been to any large furry convention in the last 10 years, chances are you’ve heard and seen what I love doing. Since I was a kid, I’ve also had a passion for music, having produced a number of originals and remixes. I picked up DJ’ing by extension, and I’m always excited to share music with friends! Recently, I got in to doing stuff in VR and that’s opened up several, new and creative doors!

I’m both humbled and excited to be a Guest of Honor at LVFC 2024 and I can’t wait to see everyone!”

You can connect with Oddy on various platforms: