Volunteering with LVFC
Volunteer Applications are Open!
Whether you desire a multi-day staffing position or just wish to donate a few hours of your time, LVFC appreciates any and all the volunteers who make this convention possible, and we have many open positions to fill. Las Vegas Fur Con is a nonprofit event staffed entirely by volunteers; no one receives cash for their work on the convention.
One of the relatively-rare features of SNV Anthro Events, LVFC’s parent organization, is that it incorporates democracy into its structure: people who volunteer 8 or more hours for the organization are granted voting rights for general meetings and board elections. This promotes accountability within our organization.
At LVFC, we have two categories of volunteers: Staff and Recruits. Based on the amount of hours worked (which can be calculated based on time-and-a-half or double time) and whether one is classed as Staff or Recruit, there are different comps.
Our volunteer system is built into our registration system, so in order to apply as a volunteer, go to https://reg.lasvegasfurcon.org/apply/volunteer or click on the button above and sign in with the same account you purchased registration with.
Staff and Recruits must both agree to the Volunteer Code of Conduct included in the application. Any position with exposure to PII will require signing an NDA.
New for 2025, we are offering food vouchers and reimbursement for some volunteer-related expenses for staff and volunteers who hit certain levels. Staff benefits and registration tiers have also been completely separated.
Recruits are people who have recently joined our team, and typically are brought on at-con. We do not expect them to necessarily fulfill their shifts, but those who do are far more likely to be considered for staff in a future year.
Becoming a Recruit requires no experience, no interview, just a willingness to help the con out however you can. In return, you can get the perks below! Each level includes the perks listed in the level prior. We will work around whatever hours you tell us you will be free, and there will be plenty of opportunities to get more hours as the con goes on.
In order to receive credit for volunteer hours, you must a) fill out an application so you are in our system and b) check-in and check-out for shifts.
4 Hours
- A volunteer gift.
8 Hours
- Early access to the next year’s room block.
- 3 food vouchers, good for grab-and-go meals.
12 Hours
- Refund of your Attendee-level badge after the con.
12+ Hours
Nothing. We do not expect Recruits to work beyond 12 hours and want them to enjoy the convention.
Staff are people we can rely on, those who have committed to a certain number of hours which we assume they will fill. A lot of their work is pre-convention as well. They are typically people we have worked with or who have experience volunteering at other conventions. Members of our Staff, also known as Officers legally, are tasked with a specific role but are also expected to help out with whatever responsibilities they may need to take up.
Staff (or officers) are assigned to a particular Department; Executive Departments are managed by Directors, or Heads, who report directly to the Convention Chair(s). These Executive Departments in turn are divided into sub-departments or teams; the leaders of these teams are known “Leads.” Leads, in addition to their duties, are also in charge of supervising their own set of staff and recruits.
Staff committing to the 20+ level should expect to be on call in case unexpected gaps arise.
8 Hours
- Free Attendee-level registration.
- Early hotel block access before Super Sponsors.
- Con Store items discounted by 20%.
- Front of line benefits when off-shift.
- Early access to Dealers Den ahead of Super Sponsors.
- Access to our FREE staff-only escape room games on Thursday.
12 Hours
- 4 food vouchers, good for grab-and-go meals.
16 Hours
- Eligibility for the staff suite raffle, where we give staff members various upgraded suites such as 2 Bedroom 2 Story rooms and Majestic Kings.
- $35 off Sponsor and $55 off Super Sponsor. On top of your $95 Staff discount, this means Sponsor costs $45 and Super Sponsor $100!
- 2 more food vouchers
- SERENE MAVENS ONLY: If rooming with other staff with a 16 hour commitment in an approved staff room (there are only 5), your room is fully comped.
20+ Hours
- Eligibility for the reimbursement of up to $150 for hotel/lodging and transit costs getting to/from the convention. This covers the room cost for the majority of Alexis Park’s rooms. This can be used to cover most of one night’s hotel cost, cover flights, rideshare, etc.
- Staff must keep receipts and fill out a reimbursement form within 60 days after the convention. Funds are disbursed after the con. Per our accountable plan, you must be able to demonstrate date, time, place, amount, and business purpose of expenses; we recommend using it for hotels during our dates.
- EXCEPTION: The reimbursement does not apply if you are already receiving comped room, travel, etc.
- 20+ Hour staff may be called on to fill shifts, but we try to avoid scheduling anyone for more than 8 ours a day.
At present, LVFC is organized into 7 Executive Departments: HR, Venue, Marketing, Operations, Programming, Sales, and A/V. We anticipate as we grow and our needs evolve, we will create more departments and reorganize exact sub-departments/offices.
For more information on each role, check out our Department descriptions.